After quitting my pack a day cigarette smoking habit of 23 years in the late 90's, the Lord began a work in me to slowly change my dietary desires. Looking back, I heard this calling, but I didn't know how to get there. It was with much prayer that He showed me what to do and where to go to find the treasures He had for Tiana and I. The further I went the more I was determined to take more and more control over the future of my health. I was blessed to be in my 30s with virtually no illness or medication. As I got into my 40s things began to change. I developed high blood pressure and was told one time that the doctor was my answer. I refused to accept this, since stubbornness is in my character. God is still working on me! Philippians 1:6 "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform [it] until the day of Jesus Christ." I am currently in my late 40s and with the lifestyle changes, through dietary and exercise, which I still struggle with from time to time, I have been able to keep my blood pressure under control for the most part. It is my prayer to help others find the treasures I have found along the way.